Intelligence Valley
A relaxing stroll that follows a stream through a wooded valley, passing pools and sandy beaches on the way to the end.
Why is this hike called Intelligence Valley? Because – it's said – that if you walk down the valley, you will become more intelligent! Try it out! And be sure to not walk up the valley—you might lose some of your smarts!
The Intelligence Valley hike is one of the easiest ones we've got, and it's a good choice for young children.
It's a flat hike, and offers some shade while hiking alongside a stream and over rocks through the valley. We've got some walking sticks to bring along—these will assist with balance in slippery spots.

Along the way are several swimming holes. The biggest of these is near the end of the hike, and is called the Dragon Pool. The Dragon Pool is a deep pond carved into a huge granite boulder, and we'll stop for a snack and see if we spot any swimmers.
After finishing our walk through the valley we will arrive at Shentangyu Park, and walk out to meet our bus. We'll take a short drive to a village restaurant for a nice big lunch of homestyle Chinese food, and then head home.

Just before we get into Intelligence Valley we'll walk past the Liyuan Library, an incongruously architectural building that's been called “the world’s most beautiful library”. It’s semi-private, and usually closed. We’ll stop for a look anyway.