Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17
Views of the top temples from the trails in the hills behind.

Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17

On a hot day we hiked up all the stairs to the top temples at Yajishan for views of mountains all around—see 18 photos from the temples and the hiking trail around the back.

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Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #1
The start of the stairs.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #2
About to enter the first temple.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #3
Views from the first temple to the top temples.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #4
The last stairs before the main temple at the top!
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #5
Incense burners.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #6
Looking over to the side temple at the top.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #7
Looking over to the main temple from the side temple.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #8
Villages below the temples.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #9
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #10
The side temple is an intricate wooden construction.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #12
We hiked into the mountains behind the top temples.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #13
The foliage here has bounced back after burning out in a brushfire a few years ago.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #14
The temples are still in sight.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #15
Out of the foliage and on to paved trails.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #16
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #18
Chestnuts are starting to grow.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #19
We finished by walking out through apricot orchards.
Yajishan Temple Circuit, 2022/07/17 photo #20

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