Stone Flowers Cave | In a cavern at Stone Flowers Cave
Go underground at Stone Flowers Cave.

Kids Club: Stone Flowers Cave visit

Visit Fangshan District for a short stroll up to a lookout, a big lunch at a country restaurant, and a 1.5 hour tour underground at Stone Flowers Cave.

Level 2
Some stairs to climb on the hike, and to get back out of the caves. 3 hours of easy walking (Can I do it?)

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Stone Flowers Cave (AKA Shihua Dong) is a karst cave in Fangshan District, in Beijing’s southwest.

It’s a scenic area, which means colourful lighting and good paths for walking on.

The main cave system has seven levels, and goes deep underground. The top four levels are open, and we’ll visit them all on the full 2.5km underground loop walk, bottoming out on Level 4 at 150m underground.

The top level of the cave is dry; the lower levels have drips and trickles of water, and they say there’s an underground river all the way down on the seventh level. The temperature inside the caves is a constant 13–16°C.

Down in the caves we’ll see a whole lot of speleothems: stalactites, stalagmites, columns, flowstone, ‘stone flowers’, ‘crystal flowers’, shields, rimstone pools, and cave popcorn.

Kids club: relaxed outings for kids to enjoy some family time in nature. Best for ages 5–12. Younger children would need to be carried for most of the time.

Columns and stalactites in the caves
Columns and stalactites in the caves. (Click for larger image)


Itinerary for the hike
08:30 Driving to the hike
10:30 Start hiking up to the lookout
12:00 Back down from the lookout, drive over to the restaurant
12:30 Lunch at the restaurant
13:30 Drive over to the caves
14:00 Start the tour of Stone Flowers Cave
15:45 Finished the tour, driving back
17:30 Arrive at Lido, then on to Liangmaqiao

Please contact us if you'd like more details about the plan.

COVID-19 and participation precautions

The current precautions are minimal. Please read in full here: Operating hikes under COVID-19 precautions

Related content

Photos and trip reports: Kids Club: Stone Flowers Cave visit

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