Special trip photos - Hulunbuir Prairie, 2011/07/14
Hulunbuir is known as the most beautiful grassland in China, and we think it's also one of the most beautiful grasslands in the world. Cooler and cleaner air, nice locals, and interesting northern Chinese culture and the remote grassland scenery were the highlights of this trip.
We visited a few very scenic locations on the grasslands, got very close to the border of China and Russia, and visited Manzhouli City. For some reason, Manzhouli is promoted as mainland China's “little Hong Kong”. We took a few photos while in Manzhouli - if you've been to Hong Kong you'll be able to judge if it lives up to the name!
Next year we'll go back and discover more!
The wetlands at Eerguna.
Walking along the countryside road and enjoying the grassland view.
The Eerguna wetland park has fantastic scenery - a very nice background for a photo!
A good spot for a rest.
Nice countryside walk with many beautiful wild flowers.
We did a bit of extra walking on this trip, beautiful views everywhere.
Photo time.
Rapeseed flower field on the grasslands.
Parts of the Eerguna river form the border of China and Russia
Nice easy walking on the prairie.
Sheep are enjoying their nice lunch.
A nomad family's tent.
Our walk took us past a copse of birch trees.
Rapeseed flower fields.
Beautiful scenery.
1. Veronica Sibirica, Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.
2. Vesper Swordflag (Iris dichotoma).
3. Shady Groundsel (Senecio nemorensis), Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.
4. Nakestem poppy(Papaver nudicaule).
1., 2. Spiked Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria).
3. Reinorchis (Gymnadenia conopsea), Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.
4. Veronica spicata.
1. Small Yellow Daylily (Hemerocallis minor), Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.
2. Shorthair Cowparsnip (Heracleum moellendorffii).
3. Dahur Cranebill (Geranium dahuricum), Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine.
4. Common Catdaisy (Hypocharis coliata).
1. Shorthair Cowparsnip (Heracleum moellendorffii).
2. Not sure!
3. Stout Morningstar Lily (Liliumm concolor var. pulchellum).
4. Not sure!
This boy said the rabbit was a pet. His family from moved up from Jiangxi Province (in South China) in May. They're travelling beekeepers, setting up hives and selling honey and Royal Jelly to travellers and local honey industry vendors.
An innnovative approach to street sweeping at Enhe Village.
We were popular with locals.
Happy bears (and hikers) in Manzhouli City.
Typical Russian family house.
In Manzhouli we enjoyed a Russian-style dinner.
We took a photo with our hosts at Shiwei Village.
Local performance.
A interesting looking old man who lives at Enhe Village.
Manzhouli City Square.
Enhe Museum.
Grassland walk.
Friendly camel.
Photo time.
Cross the river and you're in Russia.
Beautiful landscape.
Nice scenery.
Photo time.
Group photo.