Miyun Birdwatching overnighter, 2014/03/29-30
A weekend trip to the biggest reservoir in Beijing in search of interesting birds.

This two-day bird watching excursion included visits to three areas in Miyun district outside of the city of Beijing.
Our group of bird watching enthusiasts was accompanied by Terry, an expert in local bird species, as well as Betsy, our naturalist, and the group was provided with books in order to aid in the identification of bird species.
On the first day, we visited the north side of the Miyun reservoir, an area that attracts many species of migratory birds.
After the first day of sightseeing, we enjoyed a beautiful view of the sunset and a bonfire after dinner.
On the second day, we headed over to the northeast side of the reservoir and were lucky to see four rare winter cranes, which are usually no longer present after the start of spring.
To finish the weekend, we travelled to a nearby section of the White River for a 1.5 hr. walk and more bird watching before lunch.
In all, we spotted 73 species of birds during the excursion!

We arrived in the countryside in the early afternoon, and headed to the reservoir.

Terry and Betsy were pointing out birds for us.

Terry the bird expert.

We then headed to the birding point on the side of a hill.

Wild ducks were flying just over our heads.

One of our bird watchers is taking a good look at the birds.

A Greater Spotted Eagle having a wee scrap with an Eastern Marsh Harrier.

A Hill Pigeon

Local fisherman far below on a boat.

Sunset is a good time to spot birds.

The beginning of a beautiful sun set!

On the second day of the trip we visited the other side of the reservoir.

Spotting birds from a nice lookout.

From the top of a hill, we enjoyed views of the whole reservoir.

Ducks playing in the water.

After we finished lunch we made a visit to one of the White River’s tributaries.

Our pro bird watchers!

Where have all the birds gone?