Nine-Eyes Tower snow hike, 2015/02/20
Sixteen photos from our first proper hike in the snow this winter.
The Nine-Eyes Tower hike is fairly tricky on a good day - steep and rocky, with some very slippery bits.
On this visit we had to change the plan a little: the snow made certain sections of the trail unwalkable, and we shortened the hike to be sure we’d be on the way back before the roads started icing over.
We started off by walking along valley trails up to the Great Wall, and when we reached it we saw that our regular route wasn’t going to be much fun. It’s a steep, tricky walk over loose rocks and bricks to get up to the top, and with those loose rocks and bricks covered by snow we’d be taking the risk of twisted ankles.
Instead of the steep climb we followed a side trail through the forest to get up to the wall, and that way we made it up to Nine-Eyes Tower without incident.
At around about 1,200m above sea level, the view from the tower is usually amazing. This day, though, we were right in the middle of the snow clouds!
This visit we didn’t see quite as much of the Great Wall as we’d wanted to, but the beautiful snowy scenery certainly made up for that – see the photos below!

Heavy natural mist surrounding us the higher we climbed. We usually continue straight up the wall here, but not today.

The alternate trail took us through a snow covered forest.

A tricky steep section.

Climbing up through the forest was breathtaking.

It was a long climb but we loved it!

Snow makes everything beautiful.

Smiles all round once we reached the wall.

Onwards and upwards towards the Nine-Eyes Tower.

Newly restored Great Wall.

In 2014 this stretch of wall was a rough pile of rocks – we're not sure if we didn't like it better that way.

Romance in the snow … or trying not to slip?

Standing atop Nine-Eyes Tower. Not pictured in the photo: Nine-Eyes Tower.

Continual snow made the final climb a little slippery.

A ladder to the roof of the Nine-Eyes Tower.

Views of the surrounding forest.

Having a good time.

Planning our descent from the Nine-Eyes Tower.

The trail to the end took us along snowed-over hill trails.