White River hike, 2015/07/05
A recent hike along – and through! – the White River in Huairou District.
On what was set to be very hot day in Beijing we set off in search of cooler climes up in the mountains to the north of the city.
After a pleasant and scenic bus ride we were all set for the start of our hike.
Once we’d topped up on the sunscreen and packed a few extra bottles of water for the 14km hike we set off along the valley to find the start of the trail.
As the first part of this hike was in a park area we soon saw a few family groups also enjoying the warmer weather floating down parts of the river in inflatable boats and generally having fun.
As we followed the river through the valley away from the crowds the temperature started to rise, and we were looking forward to getting our feet wet. Our first crossing came earlier than expected, as we encountered something very similar to a moat, soon to be spanned by a toll bridge.
Further down the valley we were able to escape the crowds, and it was soon time to switch the boots for sandals and stroll down in the cool ankle deep water. Deep canyons and spectacular cliffs as well as the sight of a few herons kept everyone's cameras busy.
After a few kilometers of passing in and out of the river we had another unexpected surprise! A metal walk way that we usually use to walk out on over was partially covered in barbed wire, resulting in the army commando-style finish with a short crawl to escape.
Once we had safely negotiated this it was a short hike out to the bus to find our bus and our picnic gear with chilled drinks and a watermelon.
The only disappointing part of the hike was that we had to leave the cool water behind and travel back to the city.