Beijing Hikers in Lonely Planet, 2022/02
Some good news (for a change!)—our hikes are in Lonely Planet’s 15 things in Beijing article.
We’re featured in the latest “15 things to do in Beijing” article on the Lonely Planet website.
Here’s the main part of that:
Go on a “wild” Great Wall hike
Seeing the Great Wall in its naturally eroded state, snaking away over the ridgelines of mountains with trees erupting from buckled watchtowers, is a sight more fantastical than anything the Game of Thrones art department could dream up. It takes a bit of planning to skip the cable-car stretches rebuilt for tourists (and the security guards posted at popular wild wall-hiking spots near the city), so it’s a good idea to sign up for a day hike with Beijing Hikers. Let them handle the details so you can concentrate on the photographs.
Thanks, Lonely Planet!
Click over to the Lonely Planet website to read about the 14 other things you can also do, including tips for a Peking Duck restaurant to try, and a mention of the Royal Icehouse restaurant. (The Royal Icehouse is one of our faves, and not just because of their talking bird. [The talking bird is not on the menu, by the way.])