Changyucheng Walled Village hike and Countryside Opera Performance, 2014/09/21
Photos from a hike around an old walled village in the hills of Yanqing and a special performance of Chinese opera by the village troupe.
The Changyucheng Walled Village was a Ming Dynasty outpost and barracks used as a base for the soldiers guarding the nearby Great Wall. Some of the old village walls are still intact, and there are some good hiking trails in the hills above the village that lead up to the Great Wall.
Another fun thing in the village is their amateur opera performance troupe, formed by an elderly resident who used to be a pro back in the day. Every now and again we ask them to organise a performance for us in the town temple – quite a fun show!
After arriving at the village we set out on a hike, following a trail into the hills and passing a small reservoir. From there, a paved path through the forest took us up to the border of Beijing and Hebei Province. After investigating an old Great Wall tower on the ridge, we followed a hill trail back down to the reservoir, and then back to the village for a big meal.
After the meal, it was time for the performance! The performers were still getting set up, and we were able to take a peek backstage as they applied makeup and got dressed up for the show. Very interesting!