Switchback Great Wall Camping Trip, 2017/05/13
See 18 photos from an early summer camping trip on the Switchback Great Wall.
We love hiking on the Great Wall in this area, and we also know a spot for camping that is just perfect.
On this visit we were extra lucky – no traffic jams on the way to the mountains, clear blue skies the whole time, and a nice breeze to keep us cool up on the Great Wall.
The hike up to the campsite took us over the hills and up on to a line of unrepaired Great Wall that dates back to the early Ming Dynasty.
We set up camp on a high section of wall not far from the General’s Tower, the perfect place to watch the sunset.
Photos below!

Hiking up to the Great Wall.

A ruined arch, which was still standing a month or two ago.

Looking down from the General’s Tower.

The campsite is set up, and now it’s time for some refreshments.

Enjoying a cup of wine after a tough day of hiking.

Happy on the Great Wall.

Great spot for a campsite.

After setting up the camp we had time to relax in the sun.

Dinner time.

Sunset at the campsite.


Packing up after breakfast.

Setting off on the next day.

Group shot atop a tower.

Some of the wall we hiked on the second day of the trip.

We hiked down this line of wall.

And we then hiked up this steep part.

Great views from higher up. Way in the background is the General’s Tower.