Zhangye article in City Weekend magazine, 2014/3/21
City Weekend magazine published an article about our Zhangye trip, written by hiker Elyse. It’s a very good read!

City Weekend magazine published an article about our Zhangye trip, written by hiker Elyse. It’s a very good read, thanks Elyse!
Interested to read the article? You have several options.
Scan of the article
Click here to see a scan of the article as it appeared in the magazine, titled "Like Being on Mars".
City Weekend website
Click here to read the article on the City Weekend website, titled Beijing Hikers: Discovering Danxia.
From the article
A quote from the article:
The Beijing Hikers don’t just zip by amazing things in buses, they actually get you out walking among them, which is the best reason to visit the park with their group. Afterwards, you feel as if you’ve experienced something no one else has.