Hiking photos - Great Wall Spur, 2009/11/15
We'd originally planned to do the Big Plate Camp hike on the 15th, but a pre-hike scouting trip revealed snow and ice on the narrow and winding roads that lead up to Big Plate, and we decided that we'd be better off doing the Great Wall Spur instead - not quite as difficult as Big Plate Camp, but still a nice stretch of Great Wall, and much safer for everyone!
The roads were snow-free, the weather was clear but cold (about -5°C, not taking into account wind chill), and we were lucky enough to find a nice amount of snow up on the Great Wall.
Statistics for the hike: 3.75 hours in total, with 2.75 hours of walking at approx. 3.1km/h over 7.6km; start height 207m, finish height 291m, highest point 837m (on the wall in the middle of the hike). To reach the first tower, we climbed 549m over 3.8km. Estimated 1,663kCal burned.