Special trip photos - Zhangye Danxia Landform, Gansu Prov., 2011/10
During the October holiday we did two trips way out west – the second trip was to the Danxia Landform in Gansu Province, an area of multi-coloured sandstone hills and mountains. (See photos from our other trip, the seven-day Journey from the West, here.)
The Zhangye Danxia Landform is characterized by magnificently multi-coloured sandstone hills and mountains that ripple away towards the horizon.
Many of the people who join this trip say that even the photos don’t do the area justice – if you like the look of the photos, then it’s a must to visit one day!
We also did a side trip to the Jiayuguan Fortress, located at the western end of the Ming Dynasty Great Wall. Built around 1372, the fortress controlled the entrance to the Hexi Corridor and was a key waypoint of the Silk Road.
A gate at the eastern end of the Jiayuguan Fortress.
One of the big gates inside the fortress.
Paving stones smoothed by hundreds of years of feet.
A courtyard inside the fortress.
The hiking group, ready to explore the mountains.

Long-time regular hiker Hsu was visiting from the U.S.
At the Danxia Landform.
Eroded sandstone.
The plants were as colourful as the hills.
Some more colours.
A good lookout point.
Hiking up into the hills.
We spotted these three birds in the hills.
Hikers silhouetted on the sandstone.
Colours almost too good to be true!
Colourful hills stretching off into the distance.
Taking a break on top.
Happy hikers.
Balancing on a ridge to get the best photos!
Brightly coloured flowers in the dry hills.
On the approach to a special rock formation.
Another type of the small plants we saw.
Delicate white flowers.
The ‘Binggou’ Rock formation.
Strangely-shaped outcrops.
Taking a break at a viewing platform.
Walking up a dried river valley, we spotted a donkey family.
Continuing up the valley.
More rock formations in the hills.
An old kiln.
We finished up this hike by walking out through a small village.
This young fellow will have to wait a few years before he’s trusted with the keys.
Outside in the evening, in one of the towns where we stayed.
Lit up at night, with the moon bright in the sky.