Hiking photos - Long Way to Pray for Rain, 2011/06/26
We do this hike just once or twice a year, but the trail is still in decent condition, even if it gets a little bushy in summer. There's an old story about local villagers following this trail in 1985, barefoot, on their way to the temple to pray for rain. Not sure what they would think about people following the same trail for fun!
The group descends into a lush valley. The warm summer temperatures and rains have made the foliage thick and green.
An insect egg on a leaf - summer is the one of the best seasons to see nature’s beautiful contrasts in colors.
The group takes a rest break during the hike.
Villagers raise ducks in many of the small towns in the area.
A praying mantis, one of the larger species of insects that we find in the area.
The traditional countryside version of a traffic jam – a villager herds his slow moving flock down the road.