Hiking photos - Longyunshan ‘Heavenly Lake,’ 2009/11/14

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The Longyunshan 'Heavenly Lake' (actually a hilltop reservoir named with some poetic license) is reached by a steep-in-some-places climb of about 240m from the river down in the canyon. On this visit we walked past the remains of an old film set, climbed up some massive slabs of rock, rescued a small dog that had been trapped in a culvert, and took a stroll along the riverside. We visited the same area in early October and noticed that the water level was much higher than then - perhaps because of snow melt. The sun was sinking and the wind picking up as we finished the walk, so we talked a local restaurant into opening up to cook us some tasty soup to drink along with our beer.

Statistics: 3.5 hours in total, with 2.25 hours of walking at approx. 3.1km/h over 7.2km; start and finish height 161m, highest point 401m (at the lookout by the reservoir). Total climbing up 315m. Estimated 1,074kCal burned. Dogs rescued: 1.

River and canyon, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

The river canyon.

Valley, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

Looking down towards our starting point.

Rocks, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

Climbing up the rock towards the ghost house.

Two hikers, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

Two hikers on top of the rock.

On rocks, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

Plenty of time for some photos.

House on rocks, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

The 'ghost house' that was part of a film set.

Reservoir, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

The 'Heavenly Lake' - bit too cold for a swim at this time of year.

House on the rocks, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

Another view of the ghost house.

Canyon, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

There was snow and frost on the shady side of the canyon.

Dog rescue, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

This small dog had fallen into the culvert - judging by its physical condition, it had been in there for days. We got it out and fed it, and one of our hikers adopted her.

Walkway, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

A walkway led up the river.

River, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

The water level was high - quite nice to see so much water!

Tunnel, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

We walked through a riverside tunnel.

Riverside, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

This nice, peaceful spot was as far as we could go without getting our feet wet in the icy water.

River, Beijing Hikers Longyunshan Heavenly Lake hike, 2009-11-14

We ran out of sunlight quite quickly - compare this photo to the first.