Trail Maintenance Day

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When we scouted the trail for the Zhenbiancheng Great Wall Challenge, we noticed that sections of the route leading up to the Great Wall were very bushy. In an effort to make the trail more passable, we decided to return to brush out some of the most thickly overgrown stretches.

Gary, one of the founders of Beijing Hikers, along with Huijie, Yanjing, and Zach returned to the Zhenbiancheng trailhead with large clippers and brush hooks to push back the foliage that was encroaching upon the treadway. Wherever a branch growing onto the trail and impeded passage, we would clip it at its base, doing minimal damage to the rest of the plant from which it was growing. We spent all day working, and finished the entire stretch between the trailhead and the Great Wall, about 4.1 kilometers. There is still work that needs to be done on many of our trails, but with the success of our first trail clearing day, we hope to do more trail work in the future!

Walking up the trail, Trail Maintenance Day, 2010-04-15

Heading up the trail.

Gary and Yanjing, Trail Maintenance Day, 2010-04-15

Gary and Yanjing.

Brushy trail, Trail Maintenance Day, 2010-04-15

Some of the brush on the trail, along with the last snow left over from winter.

Zach and clippers, Trail Maintenance Day, 2010-04-15

Zach getting to work with the long-handled clippers.